Can you design a better windmill?


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Our Design
My windmill is blue today

Our Experiment
I used the fan on 3

Reading 1 Current [18 ] mA
Reading 2 Current [ 18] mA
Reading 3 Current [ 18] mA
Reading 4 Current [18 ] mA
Average Current = [18] mA
Windspeed at fan = [4.7] ms-1
Resistance = [100 ] Ohms
Power = I * I * R (remember to convert mA to A) P=0.0324

So with a windspeed of [4.7ms-1] our turbine generates an average current of [18 ] mA delivering [32.4 ] (convert W to mW) mW per second so in 10 minutes it could generate [ 19,440 ] mW.

If playing music on an iPod classic consumes about 77mW per second, 10 minutes of turbine time (assuming 100% energy transfer efficiency) can power [ 252 ] seconds of playback time, enough to listen to about [ 1.4 ] 3 minute songs.

I'd like to add another rotator arm

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